
Photography Basic

Photography Uncategorized February 9, 2019 10 Ways you should respect Photographer
1. Understand the process and what you are paying for Think of paying for photography like a professional Baker to make your cake You won't tell the Baker you will just take the batter and bake it yourself, since you have an Oven at home and have a made cake before, and especially wouldn't ask ...
Lightroom Tutorial Photography Photoshop Tutorial March 22, 2017 Lightroom Tutorial: White Balance in Photography
What is white balance? White balance is the process of removing and realistic telecast so your image will appear and render with the correct color. In order to correct the white balance we need to understand the color temperature of a light source which means, how relative is the warmness or the coolness of your ...
Photography January 23, 2017 6 Basic light pattern in photography

I am a self-taught photographer who has, I learned all about photography and post-processing using many Online and Offline resources over the past 12 years. I was always thinking about how can I give back to (Photography) fraternity, I’m starting a series where I will be sharing whatever I have learnt so far. I might be not to …

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